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Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a laboratory technique for quantifying the concentration of specific antigens or antibodies in cell lysates, sera, or other complex solutions. PeproTech’s ABTS and TMB ELISA Development Kits contain the key components required for the quantitative measurement of natural and/or recombinant proteins in a sandwich ELISA format. Each ABTS and TMB ELISA Development Kit contains the Capture Antibody, a biotinylated Detection Antibody, a calibrated antigen Standard, the HRP conjugate, and a kit-specific protocol.

PeproTech's ABTS and TMB ELISA Development Kits are offered in both a Standard or Mini configuration. Each Standard ABTS and TMB ELISA Development Kit contains enough material to assay the target cytokine in at least 1,000 ELISA plate wells. Each Mini ABTS and TMB ELISA Development Kit contains enough material to assay the target cytokine in at least 200 ELISA plate wells.

PeproTech offers both an ABTS ELISA Buffer Kit and a TMB ELISA Buffer Kit that have been specifically formulated for optimal performance when used in conjunction with PeproTech's ABTS Development Kits and TMB ELISA Development Kits, respectively. These buffer kits contain all the necessary components to assay ten 96-well ELISA plates (included) and contain detailed handling instructions.

PeproTech was acquired by Thermo Fisher Scientific in 2021; our products and resources can now also be found on