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High-yield iPSC differentiation!
When differentiating stem cells, I always turn to Peprotech for ordering my growth factors (like BMP4). They stay stable for long periods of time under the recommended storage conditions. And they hold up well in the differentiation media, because I get good differentiation results without excessive cell death. Results are consistent between differentiations, so I appreciate this reproducibility. ... Show More
From:  Kendall | Date:  8/26/2020
iPSC-Microglia differentiation
When I differentiate iPSC into microglia, I always use peprotech products. It is important to have a good quality of cytokines and growth factors to yield microglia else the iPSC would undergo spontaneous differentiation and non-myeloidal lineages.  With BMP-4 from peprotech, I get good consistency in generating mesodermal cells and high yield microglial progenitors cells in large quantities.
From:  Raghavendra | Date:  8/24/2021